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The interest for studying computing and computer science is rising amongst the current generation of students - Ofqual's latest report into the number of students studying GCSE, AS and A level shows.

02 JUNE 2023

Richard Berryman standing in front of his school.

Richard is the Computing Lead for his primary school which is based in the Isle of Wight, as well as a CAS lead. We spoke with Richard to learn more about his experience with the Primary Certificate and using the NCCE resources within the classroom.

18 MAY 2023

We are excited to work together with Micro:bit and BBC to provide training to teachers on how to use micro:bits in their primary classrooms. With micro:bits you will be able to enhance pupils' learning of the computing curriculum and support their learning in other subject areas.

15 MAY 2023

To support secondary computer science teachers’ professional development needs, we have put together lists of our quality assured courses under specific themes.

28 APRIL 2023

girl with braids in school uniform using a computer in class

Launching electronic versions of the KS2 summative assessments from the Teach Computing Curriculum - now available as both Google and Microsoft Form templates.

19 APRIL 2023

Designed to help teachers track student progress, these quality assured question banks can be used with key stage 3 and GCSE Computer Science students across 10 topic areas.

12 APRIL 2023

It's the start of a new chapter for the National Centre, and to mark this exciting milestone, we are sharing the latest developments from the programme and what you can expect next.

03 APRIL 2023

We are excited to announce that bookings are now available for online courses starting from 3 April 2023, following the transition to where these are hosted and delivered.

13 MARCH 2023

Graphic displaying "International Women's Day 2023" alongside photos of girls and women at computers

International Women’s Day is a global day to celebrate the achievements of women and call for gender parity. In this blog, we discuss key women in computing over the years and resources to help encourage more girls to choose computer science at GCSE and A level.

08 MARCH 2023

Portrait of Allen Tsui

An interview with Allen Tsui who has completed all three of the Teach Computing certificates. In this blog, he discusses his background and how he got into teaching computing, along with his experience on the NCCE CPD.

03 MARCH 2023

Hands typing on a laptop displaying a chatbot on the screen

ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence chat bot which was first developed in late 2022. There is a debate around whether it is beneficial or harmful to learning. In this blog, Adam Little (professional development lead at Stem Learning) discusses the use and effectiveness.

02 MARCH 2023

We are currently transitioning our online CPD programme to the MyLearning platform, where courses will be hosted from 1 April 2023.

24 FEBRUARY 2023

Support SEND pupils in their learning of computer science – join our SEND Computing Conference on Friday 17 March 2023 (9.30am – 4pm) at the National STEM Learning Centre in York.

17 FEBRUARY 2023

The National Centre for Computing Education is going through an exciting period of change. We've been working to evolve our brand to create a cohesive identity that works alongside improvements to the user journey.

06 FEBRUARY 2023

This spring term, we’re excited to be expanding our residential offer at the National STEM Learning Centre in York. Following your feedback to extend our offer beyond the Computer Science Accelerator (CSA) programme, we’ve launched a number of new residentials.

02 FEBRUARY 2023

Picture of a laptop with icons above relating to the internet. Text says Safer Internet Day, 7 February 2023.

Safer Internet Day takes place on 7 February and is a chance to highlight how young people can build healthier relationships with online activities such as gaming, messaging and emailing carried out using internet services. We’ve collated a range of useful resources to help you plan your lessons.

25 JANUARY 2023

Enhance your computing knowledge by attending one or more of our CPD courses throughout the February half term.

23 JANUARY 2023

We're delighted to launch our annual impact report, which showcases how the NCCE has been working to drive forward computing education across England and our key achievements from the last four years.

20 JANUARY 2023

A group of people working on laptops whilst attending a CPD session

We are excited to launch our 2023 spring term residential CPD programme, taking place in York at the National STEM Learning Centre.

13 JANUARY 2023

Today, we publish findings from research exploring how Computer Science is presented in options booklets and at options evenings — two key points in the GCSE selection process that may contribute to the gender imbalance in the subject.

14 DECEMBER 2022

Today we are sharing the results of the Relevance intervention, which was designed to explore answers to this question, and to specifically investigate whether learning about computing in real-world contexts would increase girls’ intention to study GCSE Computer Science.

29 NOVEMBER 2022

Check out our new, downloadable workbooks from Isaac Computer Science, featuring hundreds of GCSE Computer Science questions to test your students' knowledge.

24 NOVEMBER 2022

Are you looking to improve your Key Stage 3 computing curriculum? Join us in York in March 2023 for our two-day residential course, where you will explore the characteristics of a successful computing curriculum.

22 NOVEMBER 2022

When female pupils participate in non-formal computing initiatives, they may not see how this learning relates to them achieving their long-term goals. This intervention aimed to address this barrier by focusing on strengthening the links between non-formal and formal learning within schools.

01 NOVEMBER 2022

Two young children working with physical computing equipment

Physical computing can promote a broader perspective, bridging learners’ theoretical knowledge of how the hardware works and their program writing skills. It may be something to consider introducing into your school and this blog will explain how and why you should.

24 OCTOBER 2022

Today we are publishing the evaluation report for the next intervention from a series of interventions designed to address various barriers to girls’ uptake in computing.

14 OCTOBER 2022

As you enter your career, your first two years as an early career teacher will be heavily underpinned by professional development. Whilst you will receive a great deal of this from your schools, mentors etc, the NCCE is also on hand to help develop your teaching practice.


Young girl using scratch on a smart board

As the school term begins and thoughts turn to new classes, here are a few tips for supporting computing teaching and learning in your school.


We are excited to launch our 2022 to 2023 residential CPD programme, taking place in York at the National STEM Learning Centre.

30 AUGUST 2022

Stories around GCSE results are currently dominating the news in the run-up to the new academic year. Several news outlets, including the Guardian, have reported on the popularity of computing - with more students choosing to study computing than PE for the first time.

26 AUGUST 2022

Whether you’re just beginning your teaching career or moving into a leadership role, our offer has grown to support your needs and can help as you prepare for September.

25 AUGUST 2022

We've published the results of a project that explored the use of a teaching approach called peer instruction in secondary schools with Year 8 (pupils aged 12 to 13), with the aim of increasing girls’ engagement in computing lessons and study choices.

24 AUGUST 2022

Group of children working on computers

Are you looking for activities or resources for the Autumn term to bring computing to life? We've collated ten fun and engaging activities and resources to use with your pupils.

24 AUGUST 2022

Person at laptop with programming code on the screen

In previous posts, we've argued that practical programming is of vital importance in computing education. This post discusses what good practical programming might look like in primary and secondary schools.

22 JULY 2022

Children and their teacher smiling at the phone they are using for the computing activity

Are you looking for end-of-term activities to inspire your pupils' computational thinking? We've collated ten, fun and engaging activities to use in the classroom.

19 JULY 2022

Group of children working on computers

This blog continues the series of blogs on the Practical Importance of Programming in Computing Education by the NCCE Academic Board, based on the white paper, Practical Programming in Computing Education.

14 JULY 2022

Anna Sessarago-Mercer is smiling and wearing headphones.

The second interview of our Computer Science Accelerator (CSA) Programme graduate series is with Anna Sessarego-Mercer, a 45-year-old mum of two. She is an early career teacher of science and computer science.

11 JULY 2022

We look at key points raised in Ofsted’s latest subject research review around factors that influence the quality of computing education in schools in England.

08 JULY 2022

Our events celebrating Computer Science Accelerator graduate teachers, are well underway - with events in Birmingham, York and London held this week, and more still to come

07 JULY 2022

Today's evaluation report shares the results of the Pair Programming intervention. It explores whether using a teaching approach called pair programming has a positive impact on girls' attitudes towards computing.

07 JULY 2022

Over the next few months, we will be sharing stories from our Computer Science Accelerator graduates to learn how they got on with the certificate and how it helped them.

06 JULY 2022

To make sure that the Teach Computing Curriculum continues to be a useful asset to teachers and learners, we need to hear from as many different teachers as possible to find out how you’re using it and your experiences.

05 JULY 2022

With the end of the term in sight, now is a good time to update your account profile ready for September. We’ve pulled together some top tips to get you started.

04 JULY 2022

The huge growth in computing has resulted in data becoming vital across society. The use of data is pervasive across all sectors and economies around the world, to analyse, evaluate, and inform decisions.

30 JUNE 2022

To celebrate we have pulled together a list of resources you can use in the classroom to inspire and teach your students about what a career in gaming could involve.

20 JUNE 2022

In their third blog, based on the white paper, Practical Programming in Computing Education, the NCCE Academic Board members explain why practical programming is key to computer science, not just an optional add-on.

13 JUNE 2022

Are you delivering GCSE computer science for the first time this September? This summer, we have an exciting opportunity for you to join us in York for our three-day Preparing to teach GCSE computer science residential.

09 JUNE 2022

The National Centre for Computing Education is delighted that its Chair, Prof Simon Peyton Jones, is to receive an OBE for his services to education and computing science.

01 JUNE 2022

We're delighted to extend the invite for our Celebration events to all teachers who have obtained certification from the NCCE. Here's a sneak peek of what attendees can expect.

30 MAY 2022

Here at the National Centre for Computing Education, we're so excited about what we have in store over the next few months to help you make maximise your professional development and get ahead for September.

27 MAY 2022