Improve your knowledge with our high-quality CPD and demonstrate commitment by gaining a nationally accredited certificate.
Expanding Key Stage 4 qualifications: introducing GCSE Computer Science
We are dedicated to work with schools that don’t currently offer GCSE Computer Science to their students. You can get fully funded support from a dedicated Subject Matter Expert (SME) who will work with you for up to three full days to facilitate collaboration with other schools. The level of support will depend on the challenges your school is facing.
Start your journey towards offering GCSE Computer Science
Our support will help you ensure a sustainable computing department, improve provision and build confidence – ultimately getting you in a better position to offer this key subject to your students.
I Belong: encouraging girls into computer science
Inspire more girls to choose computer science, improving gender balance and increasing attainment.
Isaac Computer Science
With resources covering all exam board specifications, save time on marking, homework and revision support with our free online textbook.
Not quite ready to offer GCSE Computer Science?
Building confidence
Our high-quality CPD and nationally accredited certification can help you feel more confident and advance your skills to teach computing at secondary. By developing your subject knowledge and classroom practice, you will help build student understanding and be able to tackle misconceptions.
Improving capacity
Created by subject experts using the latest pedagogical research and teacher feedback, our free curriculum resources can help you tackle the workload effectively. The time-saving learning materials from Isaac Computer Science will also make marking, homework and monitoring students’ progress easier.
Ensuring sustainability
We will support you to take important steps in ensuring sustainable development of your school’s computing department. We can help you improve diversity and gender balance in computing as well as identify areas of your provision to focus on in more detail through the Computing Quality Framework.
“Teachers played a pivotal role in fostering my interest by providing guidance and support in navigating the complexities of computing studies, highlighting the variety of opportunities which are available in the field.”

“Having all the training and resources on offer has enabled me to gain a good understanding of different concepts, and the skills that children need to build on to become better computer scientists.”

Subject Matter Expert support
The National Centre for Computing Education Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) will support you at every step of your journey to begin offering Computer Science GCSE to students in your school.
Through consultation with an SME you will understand the wide range of support available. Our SMEs will help you and your team create an action plan for working towards delivering the subject effectively, identify professional development needs and receive up to three full days of bespoke support to facilitate collaboration with other schools.
Schools that are committed to work on their computing provision ultimately ending in offering Computer Science GCSE within the two full academic years, will receive additional funding and support to help upskill their teachers, as well as extra funding for materials like computer science textbooks and substitute teacher support.
Our network of Computing Hubs is also on hand to help with curriculum design, subject knowledge, physical computing kits and expert guidance. Your local Hub will work with you to identify your computing needs and provide a targeted programme of support to help embed computer science in your school.