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Quick Read: Using peer instruction to discuss computing concepts

Peer instruction is one of those techniques that I wish I'd been familiar with when I was in the classroom. Like many other teachers, I regularly used multiple choice questions in quizzes and tests, viewing them primarily as a means of assessment. Peer instruction turns this view on its head and instead uses multiple choice questions for teaching.

The Peer instruction classroom revolves around the discussion that follows a question and a methodology that supports learners correcting each other's misconceptions. Effective discussion requires learners to have some familiarity with the concepts being discussed and therefore some form of pre-instruction is needed to prepare the learners. Whilst this pre-instruction can occur in a prior, or even the same, lesson it is most effective when combined with a flipped learning approach.

You can read more about the origins of peer instruction, the evidence that supports its efficacy and some practical considerations in our latest Pedagogy Quick Read, or you can check out our other Quick Reads.

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