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I Belong: encouraging girls into computer science

Computer science is the fastest-growing STEM subject, and yet, despite its popularity, girls are consistently outnumbered by boys. In 2023, only one in five GCSE Computer Science and 15% of all A level Computer Science entries were from female students in England.

Our evidence-informed programme aims to help teachers and leaders understand the barriers to girls’ participation in computer science and make a plan to overcome them. We offer curated resources, training and implementation support to empower you with the tools to support more girls into computer science qualifications and careers.

Who is it for?

  • Educators aspiring to narrow the gender gap in computing education.
  • Our resources are currently focused on key stage 3 but teachers of other key stages are welcome to access and use the materials.

What are the benefits?

  • Develop an understanding of the factors affecting girls’ participation in computer science.
  • Work with colleagues to produce an action plan with strategies to make computer science in your school more inclusive.

Where to start?

  1. Enrol on the programme
  2. Obtain your free handbook and posters
  3. Explore the programme
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I Belong Champions

We're looking for teachers who are paving the way for girls in computer science to join our mission by becoming I Belong Champions. Once you've completed our 'Encouraging girls into GCSE computer science' course, you can claim your digital badge to become a champion.

Learn more about becoming a champion

“I’ve really appreciated being part of a peer-supported network of like-minded Champions: it’s been great to read about other people’s success stories and share ideas for how we can promote inclusion and diversity for the benefit of all our students.”


Pete Head of Computing at Fulford School

Resources to support you

I Belong handbook

I Belong handbook

Our evidence-informed handbook is key to developing your action plan for increasing uptake computer science by girls in your school.

Log in to download

I Belong in computer science posters

I Belong in computer science posters

Printed 'I Belong in computer science' posters are available on request!

Log in to request

Student attitude surveys

Student attitude surveys

Surveys to help you understand your students’ attitudes and aspiration towards computer science.

Access student surveys

I Belong DIY poster template

I Belong DIY poster template

Students and alumni can advocate for the subject with this poster template.

Download the template

GCSE options resource

GCSE options resource

Guidance to help you promote computer science during the GCSE options process.

View the guidance