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Specialising or leading

Certificate awarded by BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT

Teach primary computing > Specialising or leading

Are you taking on a subject leadership role or looking to specialise in computing? This pathway will support you to build the confidence and expertise to lead computing effectively in your primary school.

Learning pathway

Our learning pathways provide a set of recommended courses and activities to help get the right outcomes for you. Complete a tailored selection of courses and engagement activities to receive your certificate.

Develop your teaching practice

Choose at least one activity

Arrange a visit for your school to help pupils understand real-world applications of computing and raise their career aspirations through engaging activities.

Participate in a webinar or explore our partner enrichment resources to enable you to run an enrichment activity in your classroom.

Think about not only your actions but also collecting evidence of how the changes you make impact you, your colleagues, and your students.

Download and use a Teach Computing Curriculum resource, then reflect on how you used and adapted it in the classroom.

Develop computing in your community

Choose at least one activity

Explore what makes CPD effective and how its impact can be evaluated as well as the strategies and tools you’ll need when leading learning with adults.

You’ll earn points for your activities on the STEM Community. Your points add up, and over time you will be rewarded with badges in recognition of your activity and participation in the community.

Review your school’s progress in developing an exemplary computing curriculum and work towards achieving the Computing Quality Mark.

Computing Hubs support school’s in the area with their journey in developing the computing curriculum.

Join a group of 3-6 eligible schools, which receive targeted support in professional learning to make progress within the Computing Quality Framework over a 12-month period.

CAS Communities are the hearts, hands, and minds of Computing at School activity across the UK. Join a local event and offer your insights, ideas and expertise to colleagues.

How to enrol

  1. Enrol with the click of the button
  2. Complete the required professional development, engagement, and community activities to receive your qualification
Create an account

Already have a STEM learning account? Simply log in

Download the pathway PDF

Download our specialising or leading pathway PDF to reference as you progress through the certificate.

Specialising or leading (PDF)


We offer financial support to state-funded schools and colleges across England, including subsidies to support supply cover for continuing professional development.