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Get started with the Teach Computing Curriculum in your primary school

CO040 Online course

Improve understanding of computing using the freely available Teach Computing Curriculum and understand how to use it to deliver computing in your primary school.

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Leadership Computing Key stage 1 Key stage 2 Teach primary computing certificate
Free online course 8 hours

Find out how how to use the Teach Computing Curriculum to teach computing to primary school pupils. In this course you will explore freely available resources, looking at how they support the development of subject knowledge and skills in computing.  This will ensure that you can deliver the curriculum effectively in your school.

You can benefit from facilitation by expert Professional Development Leaders during specific dates for each section of the course:

  • 16th Sept – 22nd Sept: week 1
  • 23rd Sept – 30th Sept: week 2
  • 30th Sept - 6th Oct: week 3
  • 11th Nov - 17th Nov: week 1
  • 18th Nov - 24th Nov: week 2
  • 25th Nov - 1st Dec: week 3

Don’t worry if you’ve missed the facilitation windows, you can still benefit from the contributions of others. 

Who is it for?

This course will suit you if you’re a primary teacher or subject leader of computing wanting to grow your computing knowledge and build confidence in helping your pupils to develop their computing knowledge and skills.

Topics covered

  • Design and structure of the Teach Computing Curriculum
  • Resources needed to deliver the curriculum
  • Computing systems and Networks
  • Programming
  • Data and information
  • Creating media
  • Overarching themes
  • Pedagogies used to teach computing

How long is this course?

This is approximately 8 hours of self-directed learning.

How will you learn?

This online, self-paced course can be completed flexibly. You can join and start this course at any time after the advertised date, and keep access for a year after booking. You can learn independently or with colleagues to directly address your individual needs.

This course will be periodically facilitated by expert Professional Development Leaders.


By the end of the course, you will be able to:

  • Explain the aims and design of the Teach Computing Curriculum(TCC).
  • Identify issues with implementing the TCC in your school and strategies for overcoming them.
  • Identify progression across the strands within the curriculum.
  • Show increased subject knowledge in different areas of computing.
  • Explain strategies for effective teaching of computing.
  • Plan for successful implementation of the TCC within your school.

This course is part of Teach primary computing

Teach primary computing

Our nationally recognised qualification will support you to demonstrate your commitment to developing your own practice and to computing as a school subject.

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Create STEM Learning account

This course is from the National Centre for Computing Education and is delivered by STEM Learning.

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