Introducing our new role model poster template

We’re pleased to introduce our new DIY poster template. Created to complement our popular ‘I Belong in Computer Science’ posters, you can put your students and alums at the heart of inspirational displays in school, promoting computer science to students and families.
Inspirational and inclusive classroom displays
We know that role models are important in engaging students and promoting interest in computer science, especially for girls. In particular, near-peer mentors, who are just a few years older and may not be the most knowledgeable in computer science, are highly relatable to KS3 students, and this can boost students' self-efficacy and interest in the subject.
Therefore, we are excited to support teachers in offering ongoing reinforcement by presenting diverse role models through our new 'I Belong' editable classroom displays, responding to requests to inspire students with stories from former peers as they walk along the same school corridors.
Use the new poster alongside your teaching, Computing Ambassador activities, or other career-related resources to spark discussions about computer science studies and career pathways. Engage students in conversations that challenge their perceptions of the field and encourage them to consider the diverse future roles and studies that computer science offers.
Download your template and take part in our campaign
Download the template and personalise it with stories of your students and alums who have pursued careers or studied in computer science.
Why not go one step further and create ‘Computer Science Journey’-style blogs to share on your subject page, school blog, or community newsletter?
We’d love to see your results - share your posters on social media and tag us on X, LinkedIn or Facebook with the hashtag #IBelongCS.