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AI and Ethics in GCSE computer science

CP427 Live remote training course

Artificial intelligence, what is it? How does it work? What are the ethical considerations for GCSE students. How could you teach it to your students?

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Data & information Impact of technology Safety & Security Key stage 4 KS3 and GCSE subject knowledge certificate
Live remote training course 2 hours

  • Live remote training 10 January 16:00—10 January 2025
  • Live remote training 12 February 16:00—12 February 2025
  • Live remote training 24 February 16:00—24 February 2025
  • Live remote training 19 March 15:30—19 March 2025

Immerse yourself into the ethical considerations of Artificial Intelligence, what does it mean for your students both for their examinations but also in everyday life. You may have been amazed at the power of generative AI but is it all good? What considerations should your students think about? We take you through a journey of the different levels of ethical considerations that apply to the world of AI. 

Who is it for?

This course is aimed at teachers delivering GCSE computer science but would also help teachers in KS3 with ethical discussions on AI. It is useful for teachers who want to help share the key knowledge needed for GCSE examinations. We are seeing more and more examinations mentioning Artificial Intelligence. 

Topics covered

There is one session, and this covers what is meant by AI? It discusses each of the ethical considerations that students could consider what approaching ethical question. It looks at how the exam board are approaching these topics. 

How long is this course?

This course will last 1.5 hours.

How will you learn?

Scheduled live, interactive online sessions led by an experienced practitioner. Flexible Professional Development Leader-supported, participant-led tasks, involving deep exploration of the subject content. 


By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Understand the basics of Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence(AI)​
  • Know what the main Social and Ethical issues raised by AI are​
  • Be able to discuss AI and ethics issues in the classroom

This course is part of the KS3 and GCSE Computer Science subject knowledge certificate

Key stage 3 and GCSE Computer Science certificate

Our certificate is designed to help you develop or refresh your computer science subject knowledge.

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This course is from the National Centre for Computing Education and is delivered by STEM Learning.

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