KS3 creative computing curriculum - residential
CP295 Face to face course
During this two day residential you'll deepen your understanding of what makes a successful KS3 curriculum.
Skip to course bookingCurriculum design is centre stage once more, and nowhere is an effective computing curriculum more vital than in KS3.
During this two day residential, you will develop your curriculum design and implementation capability from the ground up, modelling effective practice and supporting you to develop a sequenced curriculum that builds conceptual understanding and knowledge, suited to your own context and priorities. You’ll be immersed in current, credible evidence, developing your curriculum knowledge step-by-step.
You’ll consider the order in which concepts should be taught, how interleaving can improve long-term recall of knowledge, and how student knowledge can be developed at pace while avoiding cognitive overload.
Some of the barriers to engaging with computing, encountered by under-represented groups, can be influenced through the curriculum before they affect career and study destinations. You’ll consider a curricular and extra-curricular offer that appeals to a wider range of interests, and which motivates young people to succeed in the subject.
Over the two days, you’ll explore a wide range of different topics, you’ll complete aspects of the following three courses:
- KS3 computing (module 1): Creative curriculum design principles
- KS3 computing (module 2): Creative curriculum content, sequencing and pedagogy
- KS3 computing (module 3): Creative curriculum enrichment and inclusion
You'll participate in live face-to-face CPD at the National STEM Learning Centre in York. You'll take-away ready-to-use and successful teaching approaches from experienced teachers, supported by the latest research and evidence.
Residential information:
This is a residential course at the National STEM Learning Centre, York. Meals and overnight accommodation are included for participants for the duration of the course.
If you wish to extend your stay in York, bed and breakfast will be available at the centre’s on-site accommodation at a discounted rate of £45+VAT per night. You can email [email protected] to secure this rate, providing their course booking information and confirming the night(s) they would like to stay.
Who is it for?
Subject leaders of computing and teachers with responsibility for the KS3 computing curriculum.
Access to this residential is free for teachers who’ve already completed the Key stage 3 and GCSE Computer Science certificate and work in a state-funded school in England.
Topics covered
Creative curriculum design principles – using cutting-edge research and evidence, learn about best practice in modern curriculum design and develop a vision for your curriculum that fits into your school. Consider the strengths of your current provision, and the opportunities to make improvements. You’ll explore the transition from primary to secondary school. Finally, you’ll consider the aims of your KS3 computing curriculum and the subject knowledge required.
Creative curriculum content, sequencing and pedagogy – you’ll explore how to sequence the body of knowledge which students need to be taught. You’ll look at the long-term and medium-term planning of the curriculum, linking topics to build flexible knowledge. You’ll discuss how pedagogical methods can be applied in a considered way to achieve learning goals. You’ll learn how semantic waves can support learners when they encounter new concepts, and how direct instruction can build knowledge and avoid misconceptions taking hold.
Creative curriculum enrichment and inclusion – You’ll explore how to build self-efficacy among students to make computing lessons more rewarding and build momentum towards a lasting study commitment to the subject. You’ll explore how to develop your curriculum to ensure it appeals to under-represented groups, and is accessible by the full student body.
How long is this course?
This residential is two days in duration, you’ll complete approx. 12 hours of CPD.
How will you learn?
Hands-on experiential learning with the collaborative support of your peers. You’ll receive expert advice and instruction from experienced classroom practitioners.
By the end of this CPD package you will:
- Articulate the intent of the KS3 curriculum in your school
- Define the domain of knowledge to be learned by all students in KS3 computing
- Plan a sequenced curriculum to support student progression throughout KS3
- Make use of formal and informal assessment approaches to build confidence and knowledge
- Apply powerful pedagogy at appropriate points in the curriculum journey, at a consistently high standard
- Enthuse a wider range of students with study of computing leading to increased take-up of GCSE Computer Science
- Grow the profile and impact of computing through the implementation of a curriculum that motivates students
This course is part of Teach secondary computing
Teach secondary computing
Our nationally recognised qualification will give you confidence to take your computing teaching to the next level and to apply those skills in the classroom.
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