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Physical computing kit - KS4 Raspberry Pi Pico - short course

CP254 Face to face course

Explore physical computing using the Raspberry Pi Pico device and how the Teach Computing Curriculum can be used to engage students.

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Practical work Algorithmic thinking Computer systems Physical Computing Kit Key stage 4 Teach secondary computing certificate
Face to face course 90 minutes
  • Stoke-on-Trent 5 March 16:00—5 March 2025

Physical computing links to many aspects of the GCSE CS specification, and is a powerful means to engage students with programming projects. The Raspberry Pi Pico is an easy-to-use micro-controller device that attaches to an existing computer, making writing and downloading programs onto the device an easy process.
During this CPD you’ll explore how the Pico, which is equipped with general-purpose input and output (GPIO) pins, can be used to control and receive input from a huge variety of electronic components and digital devices. It is suitable for use with students at key stage 3 and 4 who have experience of writing text based code.
You’ll find out how to setup the device, how to make use of the GPIO pins for sensor input and actuator output, and explore how to use the device with students using free, high-quality lesson resources from the Teach Computing Curriculum.
A loanable set of Picos and add-ons is available from your local hub, and can be used to implement this CPD in your classroom.

Who is it for?

This course is aimed at all teachers and subject leaders of computing, with some programming experience.

How long is this course?

This course consists of a single 90 minute session. 

How will you learn?

Hands-on experiential learning with the collaborative support of your peers, led by an experienced Professional Development Leader. The course will model teaching approaches that can be taken back to the classroom.


By the end of this course you will be able to:

  • Use physical computing to engage students in programming projects and subject knowledge development
  • Create simple Python programs to control the Raspberry Pi Pico
  • Use lesson resources from the Teach Computing Curriculum unit to teach great lessons using the Pico

This course is part of Teach secondary computing

Teach secondary computing

Our nationally recognised qualification will give you confidence to take your computing teaching to the next level and to apply those skills in the classroom.

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This course is from the National Centre for Computing Education and is delivered by STEM Learning.

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