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Teaching an inclusive context rich primary computing curriculum – residential

CP012 Face to face course

During this two day residential, you'll explore ways to bring your computing curriculum to life through cross-curricular approaches and how to ensure that your computing curriculum is inclusive and effective, allowing all children to succeed.

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Residential and Intensive Teach primary computing certificate
Face to face course 2 days
  • York 25 February 10:00—26 February 2025

Some children seem to naturally flourish in computing, while others need more support to reach their potential. This two day residential will explore a range of strategies to engage and support all pupils in computing.

By using real-world contexts, you can teach aspects of computing using contexts from other curriculum subjects. This shows children how computing links to the world around them, supporting learning by making it more relevant and ensuring that all aspects of computing are taught effectively. Using engaging contexts to teach computing is a route to enable pupils to engage with often quite abstract and challenging ideas. Providing familiar or cross-curricular contexts can also show children how computing links to other subjects and the world around them making it more relevant to them. 

On day 2, you'll consider how cultural and other influences affect outcomes in computing, including the impact on girls and other groups of children. Using evidence, you'll examine the relationship between computing and the rest of the curriculum, leading to better integration of this relatively new subject. You'll plan how to raise the knowledge and digital skills of your colleagues, ensuring positive attitudes towards computing in all areas of the curriculum. 

You'll have time and support to consider how your school's computing curriculum would stand up to scrutiny, and how you can provide equitable and inspirational learning for every child by using authentic, collaborative, culturally-relevant and engaging contexts.

Across the two days, you’ll complete the following courses:

Completing this CPD will contribute towards recognised certification through the Teach primary computing certificate. You'll be supported along the way by your peers and experienced teaching professionals.

Residential information:

This is a residential course at the National STEM Learning Centre, York. Meals and overnight accommodation are included for participants for the duration of the course. 

If you wish to extend your stay in York, bed and breakfast will be available at the centre’s on-site accommodation at a discounted rate of £45+VAT per night. You can email [email protected] to secure this rate, providing their course booking information and confirming the night(s) they would like to stay.

Who is it for?

Subject leaders of computing looking to enhance their curriculum through

Topics covered

Teaching primary computing through contexts – Explore ways to introduce contexts relating to cross-curricular topics, everyday life, and the wider world. These strategies will help bring computing to life, enabling pupils to understand the practical applications of computing and explore career opportunities in an informal way.

Inclusive computing in primary schools – Consider how cultural and other influences affect outcomes in computing, including the impact on girls and other groups of children. Using evidence, you'll examine the relationship between computing and the rest of the curriculum, leading to better integration of this relatively new subject. You'll plan how to raise the knowledge and digital skills of your colleagues, ensuring positive attitudes towards computing in all areas of the curriculum

How long is this course?

This residential is two days in duration, you’ll complete approx. 12 hours of CPD.

How will you learn?

You’ll receive expert advice and instruction from experienced classroom practitioners. You’ll discuss issues with peers and an experienced course leader, comparing practice and learning strategies that are based in evidence. Personalised action planning will help you prioritise next steps for you and your school, ensuring you gain maximum benefit from the CPD.


By the end of this CPD package you will:

  • develop the teaching of computing in your school using contexts relevant to your learners and setting
  • teach knowledge and skills in computing through a cross-curricular approach
  • identify how to ensure progression in computing when using cross-curricular contexts 
  • Plan how to motivate and support colleagues to teach excellent computing lessons
  • Develop teaching approaches that widen the appeal of computing, leading to creative and collaborative lessons
  • Recognise and overcome the barriers that some learners face in computing

This course is part of Teach primary computing

Teach primary computing

Our nationally recognised qualification will support you to demonstrate your commitment to developing your own practice and to computing as a school subject.

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This course is from the National Centre for Computing Education and is delivered by STEM Learning.

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