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Lesson 8 Hosting services

Curriculum > KS4 > Unit > Lesson

This lesson builds on the knowledge covered in Lesson 7 where learners learnt how a web browser works and how web pages are located and presented on devices. Learners now take a look at web hosting and services that are hosted in the cloud. They take a tour of a Google data center whilst completing a scavenger hunt. Then they take a look at the environmental impacts of cloud computing and vote on whether it is positive or negative for the environment.

Learning objectives

  • Describe how servers are used for hosting services across the internet
  • Describe the role of web servers and clients
  • Describe how the cloud provides services for software and storage
  • List the advantages and disadvantages of the cloud

Package contents

  • Lesson plans
  • Learning graphs
  • Unit overviews
  • Activities
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