Introduction to primary computing - face to face
CP004 Face to face course
For primary computing teachers who are new to the subject or its leadership. This CPD covers the whole computing curriculum at an introductory level, looking at computer science, programming, information technology and digital literacy.
Skip to course bookingComputing in primary schools is a practical, creative, and knowledge-rich subject. This course provides teachers with the knowledge and confidence to get started teaching computing in your school whether you’re an early career teacher or would like to improve your understanding of how to teach computing.
This CPD helps teachers to understand the nature of computing in the curriculum; the breadth and depth of computer science, digital literacy and information technology including basic programming essentials using Scratch. You’ll gain hands-on experience in developing your teaching of different aspects of computing and will consider how to adapt activities for your classroom.
Who is it for?
Class teachers who are new to computing or would like to improve their knowledge and understanding of primary computing. It may also be of interest to some new subject leaders.
Topics covered
01 | What is computing? – Unpick the primary curriculum and discover what this looks like in your own classroom.
02 | Computer science – Improve your subject knowledge of devices, networks and the internet. Explore activities which support learning in these areas.
03 | Programming - Understand how computational thinking underpins learning of computer programming, and how algorithms form the basis of all programs. Try out activities using Scratch which support the understanding of sequence, repetition and selection.
04 | Information Technology – Explore free software used to create a range of multimedia projects such as digital music, webpages and 3D design. Consider how technology can also support and enhance the teaching of other subject areas.
05 | Digital Literacy – Understand progression of Digital Literacy and how to integrate it across the computing curriculum. Explore activities which support the teaching of Digital Literacy.
How long is this course?
This course is one day duration.
How will you learn?
This is a face-to-face course led by an experienced practitioner.
By the end of this course, you will be able to:
- Understand the computing curriculum, describing a subject rich in both knowledge and skill development.
- Gain practical experience of teaching and learning in computing, including introductory computer programming using popular devices and tools.
- Develop an understanding of high-quality computing education in the context of your own school.
- Be confident in the next steps to develop the teaching of computing, supported by a network of peers and a range of high-quality resources.
This course is part of Teach primary computing
Teach primary computing
Our nationally recognised qualification will support you to demonstrate your commitment to developing your own practice and to computing as a school subject.
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