GCSE results and preparing for September 2022

Congratulations to all the teachers and your students collecting GCSE exam results today. Hopefully, all the hard work has paid off, and your students are celebrating their results.
As you prepare to return to school this September, the National Centre of Computing Education is on hand to support you through another exciting year. Whether you’re just beginning your teaching career or moving into a leadership role, our offer has grown to support your needs.
Computer Science Accelerator - is your subject knowledge up to speed?
Our Computer Science Accelerator programme is designed to upskill your subject knowledge and confidence, including GCSE. If you’re new to teaching KS3 /4 computer science this September, now may be the perfect time to plan your CPD needs. To support your journey, we’ve developed our New to computing pathway that outlines suggested courses to support your learning. In addition, our intensive CPD package will enable you to engage with multiple days of CPD at your local Computing Hub.
Computer Science Accelerator isn’t just for those new to teaching computer science. If you’ve already completed the programme, now may be the perfect opportunity to review your professional development needs. Our offer has grown with several new courses, for example, Maths in computer science and Supporting GCSE computer science students with grades 1-3. All courses from the programme are free for teachers working in state-funded schools in England.
Python programming constructs - alignment to awarding bodies
This summer saw the first terminal examinations using the new assessment methods. We’ve redeveloped our 'Python programming constructs: sequencing, selection and iteration' course to align with the AQA, OCR and Pearson specifications. If you teach in a state-funded school in England, access to these courses is free, and your school may even be entitled to funding for supply cover.
Secondary certificate
Once you’ve completed the Computer Science Accelerator, your journey doesn’t have to end there. The Secondary certificate will enhance how you teach secondary computing and give you the confidence to apply those skills in the classroom. We have courses covering the following:
- Pedagogy
- Assessment and progression
- Leadership
- Curriculum design
Access to courses from the secondary certificate is free to teachers in secondary state-funded education once you’ve completed the Computer Science Accelerator.
New to leading secondary computing?
Are you leading your first department this September? Moving into curriculum leadership can feel like a big step - our one-day ‘New subject leaders of secondary computing’ course will build confidence and clarity, helping you succeed in the role.
Supporting student attainment in GCSE computer science - upcoming residential
Computer science is a relatively new subject. An FFT Education Datalab report published after the 2019 results suggested that students studying GCSE computer science were likely to achieve approximately one GCSE grade less than their English and Maths results.
Join us on 4 and 5 October at the National STEM Learning Centre in York as we explore strategies to support students studying GCSE computer science. Our two-day residential will cover:
- Higher attainment in GCSE computer science - meeting the challenge of the exams
- Supporting GCSE computer science students at grades 1-3
If you teach in a state-funded school in England, access to residential courses is free, and your school may even be entitled to funding for supply cover. Residential courses include free accommodation and meals for the duration of your stay.
Teach Computing Curriculum
With the new academic year comes the opportunity to update your curriculum. Our curriculum covers topics from key stage 1 to key stage 4, with lesson plans, teaching resources and assessments included. Why not try a new unit this term?
Isaac Computer Science
Did you know that Isaac Computer Science now includes GCSE content? Mapped to the GCSE awarding bodies, the student-friendly website now contains subject knowledge, videos, questions and activities for students studying GCSE computer science.
Suitable for the classroom, homework or revision, content on the Isaac Computer Science website is free of charge.
Intensive and residential offer
Following your feedback last year, we introduced our intensive CPD offer, allowing you to access multi-day CPD with your local Computing Hub. In addition, our residential offer is once again available at the National STEM Learning Centre in York. From improving student attainment to learning Python programming, we have a wide variety of different topic areas on offer.
You can view all our intensive and residential courses on the courses page.
External sources:
FFT Education Datalab - Are some qualifications scored too generously? (external website) 3rd September 2019