Women's World Cup computing ideas

The Women’s World Cup is just around the corner! Are you looking to capture the World Cup fever whilst developing your pupils’ computational thinking? We’ve collated computing resources you can adapt and use in your classroom to inspire fun, football-themed end-of-term activities!
1. Programming Animations unit
Our Programming Animations unit introduces learners to on-screen programming through ScratchJr. Once you’ve taught this to your Year 1 pupils, you could adapt this resource to show them how to create a football.
2. Computing and maths
Link football to computing and maths in this activity aimed at Year 2 pupils. Your class will learn about data which could be collected on players, teams, or matches and will organise and represent it using pictograms.
3. Computing and geography (opens via Barefoot Computing)
Inspire learners aged 5 to 7 years with Barefoot Computing’s World map logic activity. With links to computing and geography, pupils will get an introduction to logic and learn about the World’s continents and oceans.
4. Desktop publishing
Write a newspaper report on a match and an image to help illustrate your story. It could be linked to a school sports team if you’d prefer this. This Year 3 resource may be adapted for this context and helps pupils learn about fonts, text size, layouts, and other style elements in desktop publishing.
5. Audio production
When developing skills in audio editing, challenge your Year 4 pupils to create a podcast linked to the World Cup. Creating media-audio production can support this aim. One idea could be to research how to get into football and develop a series of recordings from across your class. It could include girl’s football, mixed teams, and any other ways to include everyone in the sport.
6. Make a football game with Scratch (opens via Barefoot Computing)
Encourage your pupils aged 7 to 11 to make their own football game with this resource from Barefoot Computing. Pupils will use Scratch to design, write and debug programmes as they create a game for younger pupils.
7. Vector drawing
Teach your Year 5 pupils to use the skills they gained in our Creating Media unit to make a vector drawing relating to their favourite team, such as a national flag.
8. Introduction to spreadsheets
Create a world cup database with Year 6 with our Introduction to Spreadsheets unit. Pupils will learn to organise data into columns and rows and use their skills to create their own data set of results or top scorers.