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Explore our spring term residential offer

This spring term, we’re excited to be expanding our residential offer at the National STEM Learning Centre in York. Following your feedback to extend our offer beyond the Computer Science Accelerator (CSA) programme, we’ve launched a number of new residentials.

What’s even more exciting is the residential provision is completely free - if you’ve completed the CSA programme and work in a state-funded school in England.

Developing secondary leadership: 22-23 February 2023

Are you looking to become a subject leader of computing? Or, looking to develop further on your prior experience? Written and delivered by experienced leaders, this two day residential will help you explore the characteristics of a successful subject leader, how to develop your team and ensure rapid progression across key stages 3 and 4.

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KS3 Creative Computing Curriculum: 13-14 March 2023

A creative, inspirational and motivating key stage 3 is one of the mechanisms to inspire students to study GCSE computer science. During this two day residential you’ll develop your curriculum design and implementation capability, by modelling effective practice. You’ll be supported to develop a sequenced curriculum that builds conceptual understanding and knowledge, suited to your own context and priorities.

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Teaching GCSE computer science: 23-24 March 2023

Teaching computer science is exciting, rewarding and full of opportunities for creativity. During this two day residential you’ll explore strategies for teaching a wide variety of different students. From inspiring girls in computing to motivating students with creative programming, you’ll work with experienced Professional Development Leaders to explore strategies which could be used in your classroom.

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Not completed the Computer Science Accelerator yet?

One of the biggest perks of completing the CSA programme is free access to the full Teach Computing CPD offer, including residentials. Don’t worry, we still have a couple of CSA residentials scheduled, here in York too. CSA residentials are also free and you may be entitled to subsidies to release you from the classroom.

Supporting attainment in GCSE computer science: 16-17 February 2023

During this two day residential you’ll explore how to raise attainment amongst all students in your classroom. During day 1 you’ll focus on learning how to ‘teach to the top’, including towards grades 8 and 9, while on the second day you will explore strategies for students targeted towards grades 1 to 3.

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New to computing: 20-21 March 2023

Recently started teaching key stage 3 or 4 computing? During this two day residential we will explore the fundamentals required to teach the subject up to GCSE level. You’ll learn about key topics such as algorithms and programming, and will take-away ready-to-use teaching approaches from experienced teachers.

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What is residential CPD?

High-impact, intensive training in a classroom environment, where you can reflect, network with peers and develop your teaching in interactive and impactful ways. Courses are delivered face-to-face, with accommodation and meals included for the duration of your stay so you can maximise your learning. ­­

Residentials are a perfect opportunity to network with other teachers, you’ll learn from experienced Professional Development Leaders, all of whom have worked in the classroom.

What have other participants said?

In the last year, we have run a series of residential events in York, each providing a collection of positive feedback. Here are some comments received from previous participants:

  • "I found the explanations around subjects in programming the most useful. It was explained in a way that made it easy to understand. This was great as this will help me explain key programming concepts in an easy way that my pupils will understand."
  • “Having the ability to discuss with others as well as asking questions and getting immediate feedback was great.”
  • "I appreciated the opportunities to engage in additional activities like using micro:bits, and visiting the resource centre."

Whether you’re returning for another visit, or looking to visit York for the first time, we look forward to welcoming you to the National STEM Learning Centre soon!