Online course update: booking now available

We are excited to announce that bookings are now available for online courses starting from 3 April 2023, following the transition to where these are hosted and delivered.
To align our course booking process, we will now house and deliver online, remote and face-to-face courses across the National Centre for Computing Education via MyLearning - a Learning Management System (LMS). This will allow us to enhance the wrap-around support and provide a seamless booking experience across our offer.
You will no longer need a separate account to book an online course, and all our training will now be accessible by simply logging in with your STEM Learning account.
Over the last few months, we have been working hard to prepare the platform to help you enjoy your experience with the National Centre for Computing Education even more. We'd love to hear what you think, so please get in touch with any feedback by emailing [email protected].
What does this mean for NCCE courses I have already signed up for or started via FutureLearn?
Any course you have signed up for before 20 February 2023 will continue to be available to you on FutureLearn and contribute to certification on until 31 March 2023. To ensure your progress counts towards certification, we recommend completing all courses by this date.