More young people are choosing to study computing

The interest for studying computing and computer science is rising amongst the current generation of students. Ofqual's latest report into the number of students studying GCSE, AS and A level this summer shows a significant increase in the number of young people choosing to study computing.
The report's figures are encouraging when it comes to digital skills - showing a 14.5% increase in the number of students taking Computing at A level compared to 2022. This is the second highest of all subjects.
The news is also positive at GCSE, with an 11.9% increase on last year – the biggest rise of all EBacc subjects.
As the National Centre for Computing Education (NCCE), our vision is for all young people in every school in England to have a world-leading computing education, no matter what their background. We support teachers to develop their skills and knowledge through high-quality CPD, free computing resources, local network of Computing Hubs and more - in turn enthusing young people to choose a fulfilling career in computing.
Dr Ben Dunn, Head of Monitoring and Evaluation at STEM Learning that operates the NCCE, said: "Ensuring all young people have access to high quality computing education will enable them to succeed - digital technology is driving global change, so it's vital they are given the opportunities to develop their digital skills.
"It's really pleasing to see that so many young people have chosen to progress in computing - and we're proud of the impact the National Centre for Computing Education continues to have."
The report presents provisional figures for the number of entries for GCSE, AS and A level submitted by schools and colleges in England to exam boards by 20 April 2023 for qualifications which are to be awarded in summer 2023.