Introducing our new assessment toolkit to evidence student knowledge

We are excited to announce the launch of a comprehensive new assessment suite for Key Stage 3 computing and GCSE computer science.
The quality-assured short online tests, collectively known as NCCE Subject Knowledge Assessments, cover the breadth and depth of the curriculum, and will allow teachers to accurately assess the subject knowledge of their students, using the popular Eedi platform.
Written by experienced subject expert teachers and approved by BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT, the paired assessments allow for pre and post teaching assessment. The self-marking, multiple-choice tests will enable teachers to assess student progress easily and reliably, saving time and reducing workload.
A rich set of assessment data for every student will identify individual and whole-group strengths and weaknesses, informing teaching.
Assessment topics include:
· Algorithms
· Data & Information
· Design & Development
· Programming
· Computer Systems
· Computer Networks
· Creating Media *
· Effective Use of Tools *
· Safety & Security
· Impact of Technology
Subject Knowledge Assessments are aligned to the online and face-to-face CPD we offer for Key Stage 3 and 4. Working alongside the Department for Education, we will be supporting teachers to evidence improvement in the subject knowledge of their students, following the application of professional learning in the classroom. This will also help school leaders to prioritise CPD for computing teachers as the subject grows and attract a broader range of students.
The full suite of Key Stage 3 and GCSE level assessments will become available throughout the 2019 autumn term, and are free for use by any teacher and their students.
Explore Subject Knowledge Assessments
Please note, when registering on Eedi, we recommend you use the same email address as on the teachcomputing site. This will enable us to connect these assessments as part of your engagement with the NCCE.
*Key Stage 3 only