Engaging ideas for the Autumn term

Are you looking for activities or resources for the Autumn term to bring computing to life? We've collated ten fun and engaging activities and resources to use with your pupils, all of which are free to use once you have signed up for an account via the featured websites.
1. Network hunt (access via STEM Learning)
Use your school network as a learning resource, where children carry out a ‘treasure hunt’, searching for common networked devices such as switches, servers and printers. Children can then match the devices they have found to a description of their function.
2. Computing key word posters (access via STEM Learning)
Ten posters which explain key words in the primary computing curriculum. ‘Al-the-gorilla’ explains what each key word means in a fun and informative way.
3. Paper plane algorithms (access via STEM Learning)
Paper planes are great for learning about all things STEM! Follow an algorithm to make a paper airplane. Children need to correctly sequence the steps and discard any unneeded information. They then give their algorithm to someone else to follow to see how efficient it is.
4. Getting ready for school (access via Barefoot Computing)
Pupils will decompose the act of getting ready for school by decomposing the activity into smaller steps, creating an algorithm to complete each task.
5. Roman numeral pixel puzzle (access via STEM Learning)
Combine Roman mosaics with the teaching of pixels and digital images in computing, with this colour by Roman numeral pixel puzzle.
6. Coding with Scratch cards (access via STEM Learning)
Twelve Scratch cards designed to provide a quick way to learn how to code using the language Scratch. Each card explains what can be done and how to do it.
7. E-safety scenario cards (access via STEM Learning)
A class set of 15 different e-safety scenarios for students to act out in. This could be used in a PSHE or computing lesson to reinforce ways to keep safe online.
8. Awesome autumn (access via Barefoot Computing)
Three themed activities to help children explore patterns using prints from collected leaves, creating a life-sized leaf labyrinth and making pumpkin soup using computational thinking skills.
9. Bee-Bots basics (access via STEM Learning)
An introduction to using BeeBot, with extensive teacher guidance on how to use them effectively in the classroom.
10. Units from the Teach Computing curriculum
The curriculum offers everything you need to teach computing. All the units include lesson plans, slides, activity sheets, homework, and assessments. To get started, we’d recommend accessing the Computer systems and networks units.