Episode #6: Approaching progression in computing education

At the Raspberry Pi Foundation, the Educator Support team have been spending a lot of time thinking about how they are approaching progression throughout the NCCE Resource Repository resources. In this month's episode, we hear from members of the team about how they are approaching progression through Learning Graphs and how they expect these to be used by educators. Also this month, I speak with Oliver Quinlan, Head of Impact and Research at the Raspberry Pi Foundation, about the upcoming Research Symposium.
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Below, you’ll find notes relating to ideas and reading discussed in the episode, you can also view a full transcript of this episode.
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Carrie Anne Philbin is the Director of Educator Support at the Raspberry Pi Foundation and explains that recently the Educator Support team has been spending time looking at how they are approaching progression throughout the NCCE Resource Repository resources.
Here, Carrie Anne mentions Computing at School's progression pathways, Rising Stars framework and the Massachusetts DLCS curriculum framework.
Learning Graphs are a concept that are being explored by the Educator Support team, based around concept mapping and learning trajectories.
Carrie Anne explains that the teams' approach to progression is building on Learning Graphs completed by Cambridge Mathematics. This is an iterative process, so let the team know your thoughts on the Learning Graphs!
George Boukeas provides more depth to the explanation of what a Learning Graphs is and how teachers might use them.
Ben Hall refers to the resources being released under an Open Government License, allowing them to be shared and modified as the user sees fit.
Here, Ben Garside explains how he expects the Learning Graphs to be something that can be shown to any stakeholder in schools to demonstrate how progression is planned for.
A blog post released in the summer of 2019 describes how the team started using learning graphs to plan progression.
Oliver Quinlan and I, discuss the upcoming Research Symposium being run alongside Cambridge University, with a key note from Dr. Natalie Rusk from M.I.T Media Lab.
Oliver references two workshops taking place the day before the Symposium.