Isaac Computer Science
Discover the free online textbook for A level and GCSE computer science teachers and students.

Access a huge range of time-saving learning materials that cover the full A level and GCSE Computer Science curricula for the AQA, OCR, Edexcel, and Eduqas exam specifications — all for free!
Set questions for your students and the system will mark them and give you a detailed breakdown of their progress. Isaac Computer Science is great for supporting remote teaching, homework and revision sessions, and helps you to quickly identify areas where students can improve.
Why sign up?
Benefit from a wide range of computer science resources and online events.
Benefits to teachers:
- seamless integration of GCSE and A level content
- save time on lesson planning and marking
- high quality resources written by experienced teachers
- create bespoke sets of questions for your class
- pinpoint areas to work on with your students
- manage students’ progress in your personal markbook
Benefits to students:
- structured, self-paced study and progress tracking
- topics covering all exam boards – perfect for revision
- live online workshops and career events
- instant feedback from the interactive questions to guide further study
- deep dive into specific areas of interest
- smooth progression from GCSE to A level
Each topic on the platform also signposts to related classroom resources from our Teach Computing Curriculum, and suggests professional development opportunities to deepen your subject knowledge.