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Year 8

Lesson 3 School Lab Studios

Curriculum > KS3 > Unit > Lesson

In this lesson, learners will be presented with an app that has three errors. They will have to open the app to attempt to spot and fix the errors. Next, the learners will work on the score screen of the Tappy Tap App, to make it display the user’s score at the end of the game. Once this app is complete the class will be presented with the project that they will work on for the remaining lessons of the unit. In their pairs, learners will choose a project to complete and agree upon success criteria before being given screen designs to complete for homework.

Learning objectives

  • Identify and fix common coding errors
  • Pass the value of a variable into an object
  • Establish user needs when completing a creative project

Package contents

  • Lesson plans
  • Learning graphs
  • Unit overviews
  • Activities
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