Episode 9: Peer instruction

This month's episode focuses on Peer Instruction, a classroom practice we recently covered in a Pedagogy Quick Read. There is compelling evidence that Peer Instruction can have a significant impact on learning outcomes for students if delivered well. Emma Posey and I talk about the practice, the evidence and how peer instruction might be relevant during periods of remote teaching.
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Below, you’ll find notes relating to ideas and reading discussed in the episode, you can also view a full transcript of this episode.
01:28 - For students we've just launched our very exciting new home teaching program. Computing experts from the National Centre will be leading sessions for students to participate in directly.
03:16 - Find our more about the National Centre's Gender balance projects
04:29 - Throughout the episode we refer to our Pedagogy Quick read on Peer instruction
17:13 - Here, Emma suggests a selection of questioning tools including Socrative, Eedi and Diagnostic Questions.