One year on: the anniversary of the NCCE

This week marks the one-year anniversary of the National Centre for Computing Education. To celebrate, we're taking a look back at some of the highlights from the past 12 months, as well as giving you a chance to find out we've got planned for the week ahead.
Our first year
7 November 2018: DfE announces new National Centre for Computing Education
December 2018: First courses available to book online
January 2019: launches in beta
February 2019: Regional delivery network announced
March 2019: Leading computer scientist Simon Peyton Jones appointed as Chair
April 2019: £2.4m funding granted for ‘Gender Balance in Computing’ project
May 2019: Isaac Computer Science confirms first event
June 2019: Registration opens for first Gender balance research project
July 2019: First Computing Hubs revealed
August 2019: Summer schools take place
September 2019: Resource repository launches and Google graduation event
October 2019: Subject knowledge assessments available for KS3 and GCSE
November 2019: Computing Hubs launch, and one-year anniversary celebrations!
A week of celebrations
We've got lots planned this week - here's a few highlights to spark your interest:· An anniversary-themed #CASChat taking place on Tuesday 5 November 8-9pm, hosted by our Chair Simon Peyton Jones!· Tomorrow’s Engineers Big Assembly taking place at Computing Hub school The Chase, in Malvern on Wednesday 6 November at 10:30am· Simon Peyton Jones, will also be speaking at Code Mesh London on Thursday 7 November - find out more· Exciting new video, highlighting our achievements so far, which will be posted wc 11 November on our YouTube channel!
Get involved and keep up-to-date with everything that's going on throughout the week on Twitter or Facebook @WeAreComputing.