National Centre for Computing Education teacher survey

There’s no doubt that in the last five to ten years, we’ve seen significant changes in England for computing education — for schools, teachers, and pupils alike. When the new Computing programme of study was announced in 2013, we had very little experience of delivering Computing to primary and secondary students before A level. Fast forward to 2019, and we’re in a very different place: England is now one of a growing number of countries that have computing education as a statutory entitlement for all students. We are now embarking on a new phase of this journey, establishing the National Centre for Computing Education to provide teachers with world-class content and training.
In order to provide the best support to each and every teacher across England, the team at the National Centre for Computing Education wants to capture the views of Computing teachers on the front line. So over the next month, we are running our first National Centre teacher survey to understand the circumstances of Computing teachers. In this short survey, we are looking at the delivery of Computing in primary schools, secondary schools and further education colleges in England, what is offered, and why schools take decisions.
If you teach Computing in England, please take 10 minutes to complete this survey. By completing the survey, you’ll be helping us at the National Centre for Computing Education to better understand your school’s needs and challenges.
Click here to take the survey
The survey will close on 4th November 2019

Dr Sue Sentance is Chief Learning Officer at Raspberry Pi Foundation.