Modelling the programming process through live coding

Following our recent quick read on the same subject, I spoke to Rebecca Franks from the Raspberry Pi Foundation about the benefits of Live Coding in computing education. Whilst Live coding is typically delivered in person there are also several examples of it's successful use online and in remote settings.
From next month we'll be focusing on the challenge that many educators now face of teaching their pupils whilst schools are closed and learning is happening remotely. We want to hear your experiences, challenges and ideas which you can share with us via email.
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We want to make a podcast that is both interesting and useful to computing educators and to do that we need your help. Complete this feedback form to tell us what you liked (or didn’t like) and what you’d like to see more of.
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Below, you’ll find notes relating to ideas and reading discussed in the episode, you can also view a full transcript of this episode.
Rebecca is currently hard at work developing programming lessons for the National Centre's free teaching resources, which will provide complete curriculum coverage for computing
Our episode this month is based on our live coding quick read published earlier in 2020
Here Rebecca and I mention our past quick reads focused on Cognitive Load Theory and Pair Programming
14:28, 17:10
Why not record yourself Live Coding and share with remote learners, just like Rebecca did for our secondary pedagogy online course.
For another demonstration of Live Coding, watch the excellent Sam Aaron share his passion for music and code