Isaac Computer Science learning resources save teachers three hours a week

A recent survey of A level teachers registered on the Isaac Computer Science learning platform found that we save teachers an average of three hours a week by using our free online resources! The time saving is primarily from setting students units of self-marking questions - known as gameboards - and being able to quickly review their progress through the formative assessment markbook.
The survey ran from May to July 2020, and only teachers who had been registered with an account for more than 14 days were invited to take part.
“[Isaac Computer Science] has allowed me to set homework questions, see level of understanding without having to spend the time constructing the questions or marking them.” - Teacher
93% of teachers reported that the platform’s resources were of high quality, including the written materials for each topic, the questions, and the video hints. They also reported that the site was accessible and easy to navigate. 76% of teachers had set questions from the platform for their students, with 73% saying they used it to assign homework. Teachers were using the platform across the A level year groups: 34% used it with Year 13, 39% with Year 12, and 11% even used the platform as extension material for Year 11 students.
“It has been great for setting distance learning during the lockdown. I am a new A level computer science teacher and I found the CPD extremely useful.” - Teacher
Student surveys
We also ran a student survey to ask how they found the resources and to understand the impact that the platform has had on their studies. 86% of students reported that the resources were of a high quality and easy to navigate. 90% had answered questions on the platform, 67% had used it for revision, and 66% had used it to check they understood concepts. We were also pleased to find out that 16% said that Isaac Computer Science has influenced their decision to pursue computer science at university.
“It’s great to see that students are using the platform in this way, to check their understanding and to revise.” - Teacher
“I really like the tips and how if I'm stuck on a question I can easily go and research the topic and come back.” - Student
The one feature that teachers and students said they didn’t know how to find easily was the ‘My Progress’ page. It's a new feature that some of you may have not discovered - here it is, just in case you fall into that category (log-in required)!
About the surveys
The surveys will be repeated in 2021, and we look forward to comparing the results and again sharing our findings with you. In the meantime, check out our resources on the Isaac platform and see if we can save you time too!