Free assessment tools for secondary computing – know what your students know

Written by experienced teachers our free, online assessments cover Key Stage 3 computing and computer science GCSE subject knowledge.
In combination with insights gained in the classroom, the quality assured quizzes will help you construct a reliable picture of each student’s knowledge. You can use this information to guide your teaching and curriculum planning at a time when traditional classroom assessments are increasingly difficult.
The tests, hosted by Eedi, make it easy for you to set quizzes for your students to complete at home. The tests can be scheduled in advance, or can be assigned flexibly as needed.
Links to the quizzes can be shared through school digital platforms or email. Full teacher guidance is provided to help you administer the tests and track student participation. The assessment results, available immediately after tests are completed, show how students have performed in each of the areas of the computing curriculum.
The assessments will continue to be available when schools re-open. Each topic in Key Stage 3 and GCSE computer science offers two question sets, enabling you to monitor and evidence student progress before and after teaching.
Teach Computing has also pulled together a wide range of free-to-access support for home teaching which includes lesson resources and activities for all key stages. Our interactive student support, from subject specialists across the country, helps strengthen knowledge and understanding.