Report shows impact of Computer Science Accelerator on schools, teachers and young people

A recent survey of the first cohort of teachers to complete the Computer Science Accelerator found that the programme is positively impacting on schools, teachers and young people.
As a result of the programme, over half of the teachers reported they have already seen an increase in the number of students studying computer science at their school.
The survey was conducted in May 2020, and teachers who completed the CSA programme between 15 January 2019 and 9 April 2019 were invited to take part.
“I felt it [Computer Science Accelerator] exceeded my expectations and complemented my classroom practice, which ultimately had a positive impact on my students’ performance.” – Teacher
More than 98% graduates reported that their confidence to teach computer science had increased as a result of completing the programme. They also reported an increase in their enjoyment of teaching the subject. 97% of teachers found that the combination of online and face-to-face courses was an effective way to learn, with 80% saying that they felt the programme was pitched at the right level.
“…there was a range of content to test all levels. I appreciated this as the delivery was from CS teachers who could also share their experiences with lots of chance for discussion. [There was] also testing content to push the more experienced.” – Teacher
About the surveyA second evaluation survey will be conducted in the Autumn term, and we look forward to comparing the results and again sharing our findings with you.
If you’ve not familiar with the Computer Science Accelerator programme, find out more and see how you can benefit too!